Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What is Styrax?

Styrax is an exudation obtained from the styrax tree (Liquidambar Styraciflua).
A small incision is made on the tree, so the tree exudes a pathological resin to cure itself of the incision, that resin is collected with a spoon and put in special vases with the resin of many trees of the same species.
Later, in our facilities it is screened, heated and filtered in order to remove impurities and moisture, rendering a viscuos purified gum.
Other product is an extrat called Styrax Oil 645P, which has different quemical properties and is quite more concentrated.
For some clients, we can sell cold filtered and Styrax purified prepared buy the Ethnic group known as Pech which is very valuable for the NRSC members in Europe.

What is it for?

Styrax Purified Gum and/or Styrax Oil 645P are used by perfume makers as an aroma fixative.
Our main costumers are in France, Spain, Germany, England and USA.

What is Cardamom?

Cardamom is a perennial herb of 8-12 feet tall that produces small pods which contain the tiny seeds.
In our facilities we steam-distill the Cardamom Oil, which is a strong aromatic essence used in foods and perfumes. Our main costumers are in Europe.

NOTE: All our products are food grade and are considered as GRAS (Generally recognized as safe) producs by the FDA, IFRA regulations compliant and recently we have NRSC regulations compliant product.

Certificate of Analysis, Safety Data Sheet, Specifications Sheet, and other documents are available upon request. For samples, only if the costumer is interested in buying our products.

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